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Keith Rennie Machinery Lt Registered office: Clay Pit Lane, Bar Lane Industrial Estate, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire,YO51. Avadex application - 12m 19. DIFESA DELLE COLTURE PRE-SEMINA, PRE E POST-EMERGENZA PRECOCE E POST-EMERGENZA INVERNALE Limitare le resistenze con il diserbo preventivo del frumento Gli interventi. Venture Farm Machinery is an agricultural machinery dealership based near Kettering Northamptonshire.
Nufarm has manufacturing and marketing operations throughout Australia, New Zealan Asia, the Americas and Europe and sells products in more than. Rabe PKE Power harrow, steel packer,. LELY Hibiscus 7CD Rake. Herbicide Mode of Action Groups.
List of approved active constituents in each “Group” an for ease of identification, the trade name of the first registered. The Combi -Lift toolbar fits directly to the tractor linkage and incorporates a rear clevis which can be used to pull a cultivator or drill. ALTO COMBI 4SC SYN SYS DKV carbendazim 3g. Aracnol combi : Visualizza scheda : AQUILONE: Visualizza scheda : AQUASTICK: Visualizza. AVADEX BW EC 1MON MON EK triallate 4g.
Sugar Beet Drilling Combi. Normativa Sanitaria offre una raccolta coordinata degli atti normativi ed amministrativi in materia sanitaria, fornendo agli operatori del settore ed ai cittadini uno. Stanford Bridge Farm Station Road.
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Packer rollers and presses may be one of the more mundane components of any cultivation fleet, but they are often a key element in making seedbed. Like most websites we use cookies. This is to ensure that we give you the best experience possible.
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Polychlorocamen (PHK, camphechlorine, toxaphene) Lentagran- combi , к. HE-VA TRAILED COMBI -DISC.
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